2024/06/12 โข 11,322 bytes โข 42 expressions โข 4 notes ๐ โข 6 folders ๐ โข 5 regressions ๐
Approximate first few Bessel functions of the first kind, intended for fast inference Blue: ground truth (series expansion) Black: approximation Intended to be used here: https://github.com/harry7557558/spirulae-splat
2024/05/22 โข 14,743 bytes โข 82 expressions โข 2 notes ๐ โข 4 folders ๐ โข 1 regression ๐
Representing 2D functions with "polar harmonics" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cylindrical_harmonics https://www.desmos.com/calculator/axbdkzvyek
2024/03/08 โข 3,676 bytes โข 21 expressions โข 1 note ๐ โข slider โถ๏ธ
2024/03/08 โข 22,211 bytes โข 108 expressions โข 30 notes ๐ โข 10 folders ๐ โข slider โถ๏ธ
3D version of my original "Ammonite" graph - https://www.desmos.com/calculator/z7zooq9zsh
2024/02/14 โข 11,776 bytes โข 56 expressions โข 5 notes ๐
Finding a way to export compressed point clouds to Desmos, after previously exporting 2D parametric shapes and 3D implicit shapes. This seems to require more parameters with a suboptimal performance compared to implicit shapes. Possibly because surface po...
๐ 2023 Global Math Art Contest Ages 19+ Winner
2024/01/15 โข 53,560 bytes โข 179 expressions โข 67 notes ๐ โข 10 folders ๐ โข slider โถ๏ธ
"Neogastropoda" by Harry Chen (harry7557558) My artwork attempts to represent five sea snail species under the taxonomic order Neogastropoda. As someone who lived in a coastal town in Southeast China throughout my younger ages, seashells are significant p...
2024/01/15 โข 29,477 bytes โข 91 expressions โข 47 notes ๐ โข 7 folders ๐ โข 1 table ๐งฎ
"Nautilus & Quartz" by Harry Chen (harry7557558) My artwork consists of an eye decorated with abstract objects belonging to four classes: a horned nautilus shell, quartz crystals, geometric shapes, and flowers. The objects in decoration are chosen to repr...
2023/12/26 โข 3,831 bytes โข 18 expressions โข 1 note ๐
Neural Stanford Bunny - Test how fast Desmos can render 3D implicits. Original C++ script that does Adam+BFGS written in 2022 (https://github.com/harry7557558/Graphics/tree/master/fitting/boolean/tanh, low portability warning)
2023/12/21 โข 4,254 bytes โข 29 expressions โข 1 note ๐
From https://harry7557558.github.io/spirulae/implicit3/ (see examples)
2023/06/24 โข 7,973 bytes โข 36 expressions โข 15 notes ๐ โข 1 regression ๐
Find the optimal locations to support a beam in the middle to minimize overall deflection Motivation: We are building a float with beam supports and plywood, and it needs to hold multiple people in an event. However, when we stand on it, the plywood board...
2022/08/23 โข 5,882 bytes โข 25 expressions โข 10 notes ๐ โข slider โถ๏ธ
This is a design I made for a school project. The goal is to "create a meaningful or eye-catching design using at least three functions, their derivative functions, and their possible integrals." I created a heart (which is possibly the most overused shap...
2022/08/15 โข 8,912 bytes โข 37 expressions โข 4 notes ๐ โข 3 folders ๐ โข slider โถ๏ธ
I have heard that the shortest spherical path an airplane flies from one city to another city looks counter-intuitive on a rectangular map. I try to plot the shortest path between two cities on a rectangular map, and find the highest latitude the plane go...
2022/07/25 โข 5,806 bytes โข 25 expressions โข 2 notes ๐ โข 2 folders ๐ โข 1 table ๐งฎ
I think my previous LDS graph (https://www.desmos.com/calculator/zizgz2owda) looks cool, so I want to check what it looks like in 3D.
2022/07/25 โข 3,797 bytes โข 13 expressions โข 5 notes ๐ โข 4 folders ๐
My website homepage (https://harry7557558.github.io/) currently uses the base-2 Van der Corput sequence as a quasi-random sequence to generate random quotes and links. While this makes it less likely to generate consecutive same items compared to a regula...
2022/07/17 โข 8,794 bytes โข 36 expressions โข 11 notes ๐ โข 4 folders ๐
Attempt to produce 1-dimensional noise functions with values uniformly distributed between 0 and 1. The idea is to find the distribution of the value noise and apply its CDF to the range of the function. Basic idea: - Given three uniform random variables...
2022/06/24 โข 15,046 bytes โข 62 expressions โข 3 notes ๐ โข 5 folders ๐
Try to develop a fast-converging method for intersecting a ray with an implicit surface. The value of the scalar field along the ray can be viewed as a one-dimensional function, and the problem is to find the first zero of the function with a positive para...
2022/06/23 โข 5,459 bytes โข 31 expressions โข 1 note ๐ โข 4 folders ๐ โข 2 regressions ๐
Given v(x) and g(x)=v'(x) at x=-h0 and x=0, project v(x) and g(x) at x=h1. Test a method that expresses the answer as the weighted sum of the givens and finds the coefficients by setting the low-order terms of the series expansion to zero.
2022/06/18 โข 21,384 bytes โข 81 expressions โข 23 notes ๐ โข 6 folders ๐ โข ticker โฒ๏ธ
Simulating a bouncing rigid body that conserves energy. It has both linear and angular positions and velocities.
$\displaystyle{d_{pCd}\left(r_{0},n\right)=-\frac{2\left(d_{ot}\left(v,n\right)+\omega d_{et}\left(p_{rd}\left(p,\alpha,r_{0}\right),n\right)\right)}{d_{ot2}\left(n\right)+\frac{1}{I}d_{et}\left(p_{rd}\left(p,\alpha,r_{0}\right),n\right)^{2}}}$
2022/04/19 โข 9,883 bytes โข 22 expressions โข 19 notes ๐ โข 4 folders ๐
Demonstrate the use of implicit shapes An overview of implicit shapes: - Implicit curve: f(x,y)=g(x,y) (no fill) - Implicit region: f(x,y)<g(x,y) (fill+dashed line), f(x,y)<=g(x,y) (fill+solid line) - Line can be stylized by holding the left icon and chec...
2022/03/15 โข 2,895,413 bytes โข 7,561 expressions โข 3 notes ๐
Discord Emojis Complete List Original graphics by Twemoji - https://twemoji.twitter.com/ Exported to Desmos by harry7557558 - https://github.com/harry7557558/miscellaneous/tree/master/twemoji-to-desmos A summary of the steps to produce this graph: - Sc...
2022/02/11 โข 8,768 bytes โข 36 expressions โข 9 notes ๐ โข 6 folders ๐ โข 2 regressions ๐
Compare different ways to fit a straight line to a set of points. Drag the black point to set data The red line (linear regression) doesn't work well for nearly-vertical lines. The blue line sometimes has weird behaviors. The two green lines are identical...
2022/02/08 โข 14,870 bytes โข 65 expressions โข 18 notes ๐ โข 8 folders ๐ โข 1 image ๐ผ๏ธ
3D Parametric Surface Template 3 - by harry7557558 Improved from version 2 https://www.desmos.com/calculator/ftuogjzprg by using a more efficient way to plot faces.
๐ฅ 2021 Global Math Art Contest Ages 17-18 1st Place
2022/01/09 โข 34,882 bytes โข 137 expressions โข 49 notes ๐ โข 13 folders ๐ โข 1 image ๐ผ๏ธ โข slider โถ๏ธ
"Ammonite" by Harry Chen (harry7557558) My artwork is a creature with a spiral shell and tentacles moving underwater. I have been fascinated by objects from the sea, especially the spiral shells of mollusks, so I choose to create an ammonite whose shell c...
2021/12/23 โข 17,635 bytes โข 79 expressions โข 16 notes ๐ โข 8 folders ๐ โข 1 image ๐ผ๏ธ
3D Parametric Surface Template - by harry7557558 Replace the "x_obj", "y_obj", "z_obj" functions in the "Object" folder to graph custom parametric equations. Change the subscript "_obj" to others to display multiple parametric surfaces on the same graph.
2021/12/23 โข 15,957 bytes โข 73 expressions โข 9 notes ๐ โข 8 folders ๐ โข 1 image ๐ผ๏ธ
3D Parametric Surface Template - by harry7557558 Replace the "x_obj", "y_obj", "z_obj" functions in the "Object" folder to graph custom parametric equations. Change the subscript "_obj" to others to display multiple parametric surfaces on the same graph.
2021/10/03 โข 6,787 bytes โข 31 expressions โข 6 notes ๐ โข 3 folders ๐
$\displaystyle{F_{inv}\left(x\right)=\frac{1}{2g}\left(1+g^{2}-\left(\frac{\left(1-g^{2}\right)}{2g\left(x+\frac{1-g}{2g}\right)}\right)^{2}\right)\left\{0\le x\le1\right\}}$
2021/09/12 โข 2,842 bytes โข 19 expressions โข 5 notes ๐
Attempt to generate uniform random samples in the intersection of two circles
2021/08/27 โข 10,039 bytes โข 46 expressions โข 5 notes ๐ โข 4 folders ๐
WebGL version: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/Nd33zB Linear interpolation
2020/12/29 โข 4,083 bytes โข 16 expressions
2020/09/06 โข 4,748 bytes โข 20 expressions โข 1 note ๐ โข 4 folders ๐
Interactive visualization of the ratio of the moment of inertia of a uniform elliptical ring to its mass
2020/08/25 โข 6,068 bytes โข 32 expressions โข 3 notes ๐ โข 6 folders ๐
Multivation: find an approximation of roots of equations in the form P(x)+c1*cos(w*x)+c2*sin(w*x)=0, P(x) is a polynomial with degree no more than 4 that can be solved analytically. Perform Newton's iteration twice on the approximation to solve the equati...
2020/08/13 โข 2,315 bytes โข 13 expressions โข 1 note ๐
Solve http://www.thefouriertransform.com/series/circuitExample.php without Fourier series
2020/06/20 โข 2,731 bytes โข 20 expressions โข 1 note ๐ โข 2 folders ๐
Solving general cubic equations using sin/sinh triple angle property
$\displaystyle{\left(u\cdot\sin\left(\frac{1}{3}\arcsin\left(m\cdot q\right)+\frac{2\pi}{3}\right)+f,0\right)}$
2020/04/05 โข 12,560 bytes โข 41 expressions โข 10 notes ๐ โข 5 folders ๐
3D modeling and animation on Desmos. I decide to keep most of my creation process. These variables control the camera, where the camera is located at dยท(cos(rz)cos(rx), sin(rz)cos(rx), sin(rx)).
2020/04/03 โข 14,943 bytes โข 68 expressions โข 9 notes ๐ โข 7 folders ๐
3D graphing on Desmos! The following examples demonstrate how to project Planar Implicit Curve, Spacial Parametric Curve, Explicit Surface, Parametric Surface, and Implicit Surface onto a 2D plane. Camera: (cos(rz)cos(rx), sin(rz)cos(rx), sin(rx)).
2020/03/24 โข 12,109 bytes โข 35 expressions โข 8 notes ๐ โข 9 folders ๐
Offsetting Curves: Useful in CAD and Graphics Design. (And is quite simple)